We have had lots of good news from our extended family in the past couple of weeks so I wanted to take a minute to brag. First of all, my brother (better known as Uncle Paul), has gotten engaged to his girlfriend Claire (better known as Cu-la-air, soon to be known as Auntie). They will be getting married in December, and we are so excited about it/happy for them.
The Young family- Grammie, Pop, Uncle Paul, Auntie Claire
Also, on the other side of family and the middle of the country (Kansas City, Missouri to be exact), Jim and Jenny (Patrick's brother and his wife) just found out that they are expecting another baby. This will be another wonderful addition to the Wolfsohn clan. YAY! I love good news! Pics of the Wolfsohns in the Midwest coming soon! I'm still trying to get all of my digital pics organized.