Monday, July 28, 2008

Potty Training, Oh My!

Well, my plan was to potty train Caed this summer. He was definitely showing signs of readiness before school was out. So I thought with 2 months at home with him, he would be out of diapers completely by August. Or so I thought! He started off with a bang. He was making #2 in the potty right from the beginning, and had no fear of using any toilet- even in public places. While at the library during the first week of potty training, he looked at me and said "I gotta go". So we went- pooped and peed like a champ! Things were going very well with minimal accidents for several weeks. Then I am not sure what happened. We had several trips/changes in routine, and presto.... potty regression.

He mostly still poops and pees when you ask him to sit on the potty according to a time schedule. Some days he says no. He hardly ever goes independently without prompting like he was before. Everything that I have read says not to push it because he is only 2. So I guess we just continue to let him lead, encourage him to go when he will, and give it a few months. SIGH! Nothing seems to go according to my perfectly laid out plans. Pics included, certain parts of the images starred out for the protection of your eyes :-) Also, I am including a shout-out to Dawn for giving us the potty to use down stairs. It was/is a lifesaver.

1 comment:

gramma mary said...

Honey, told you---fancy big boy pants.