Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Remember Jello Pudding Pops???

Bill Cosby always made them look so awesome on the commercials. Well, I ran across some in the grocery store today, so Patrick and I introduced Caed to these fond memories from our childhood. According to him, they are "tasty and delicious".

Monday, July 28, 2008

Potty Training, Oh My!

Well, my plan was to potty train Caed this summer. He was definitely showing signs of readiness before school was out. So I thought with 2 months at home with him, he would be out of diapers completely by August. Or so I thought! He started off with a bang. He was making #2 in the potty right from the beginning, and had no fear of using any toilet- even in public places. While at the library during the first week of potty training, he looked at me and said "I gotta go". So we went- pooped and peed like a champ! Things were going very well with minimal accidents for several weeks. Then I am not sure what happened. We had several trips/changes in routine, and presto.... potty regression.

He mostly still poops and pees when you ask him to sit on the potty according to a time schedule. Some days he says no. He hardly ever goes independently without prompting like he was before. Everything that I have read says not to push it because he is only 2. So I guess we just continue to let him lead, encourage him to go when he will, and give it a few months. SIGH! Nothing seems to go according to my perfectly laid out plans. Pics included, certain parts of the images starred out for the protection of your eyes :-) Also, I am including a shout-out to Dawn for giving us the potty to use down stairs. It was/is a lifesaver.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who needs the Olympics....

......when you have this to watch in your front yard!

Patrick and Stosh decided to try to jump one of our hedges. Boys and their competitions :-)

But my sweet Caed decided to keep his feet on the ground and play football.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Toddler Anatomy 101

Caed has really been into the names of body parts the past few months. He apparently had gotten bored with the typical arm, leg, etc. and began pointing to/asking the name of things like ankles, wrists, knees, elbows, etc. Of course, with potty training this summer, he was also very curious about "his parts". When he asked me, I would always refer to everything down there as his business, you know- HIS business and no one else's kind of thing. Well, this turned out to be another area where Patrick and I didn't necessarily share the same parenting opinion. He felt that Caed should know the technical terms. Great!!!

Anyway, while playing outside this morning, Caed apparently had a pain in his foot/ankle area. He comes running up to me saying, "Mommy it hurts!" and pointing to his foot/ankle. So I ask, "What hurts? Where does it hurt?". His response, "You know, right here on my testicle" while pointing to his ankle. That is Toddler Anatomy 101....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pics wanted!!!

I am trying to update the pictures in Caed's room, and I need your help. We try to keep pics of our friends and family that we don't get to see every day so that we can help Caed remember them. If you are some of those family and friends (and you know who you are-Jaclyn and Christi, you both have some great family pics taken at the beach this summer) please email me some current pics that I can put up around the house.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Pic-a-nic!

Today has been a really nice day. The whole fam went out to run some errands that we finished up around lunch time. We were very close to downtown Lawrenceville so we decided to stop by our favorite restaurant. It's this little, hole-in-the-wall but very authentic Greek cafe. They have a very tiny place (I mean that I can stand in the middle of the place with my arms outstretched and almost touch both walls) on the town square across from the courthouse. So needless to say when we have have Caed with us, he can fill up the place very quickly. So, while Patrick went to pick up our food (gyros, hummus, felafel, etc- not all today- those are just some of the delicious options), Caed and I headed for the park-like area surrounding the courthouse. He had the best time running around the grass under the huge oak trees and playing on the covered pavilion. We enjoyed eating our lunch on the picnic tables watching the trolley drop people off at their destinations around the square. Caed was so excited about the new experience that he just kept yelling "We are having a pic-a-nic!" Good times :-) I only wish that I would have had the camera!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Good News

We have had lots of good news from our extended family in the past couple of weeks so I wanted to take a minute to brag. First of all, my brother (better known as Uncle Paul), has gotten engaged to his girlfriend Claire (better known as Cu-la-air, soon to be known as Auntie). They will be getting married in December, and we are so excited about it/happy for them.

The Young family- Grammie, Pop, Uncle Paul, Auntie Claire

Also, on the other side of family and the middle of the country (Kansas City, Missouri to be exact), Jim and Jenny (Patrick's brother and his wife) just found out that they are expecting another baby. This will be another wonderful addition to the Wolfsohn clan. YAY! I love good news! Pics of the Wolfsohns in the Midwest coming soon! I'm still trying to get all of my digital pics organized.

Our Blog

Patrick and I wanted to a place to document some of the Wolfsohn happenings in a way that could include our loved ones who aren't with us on a day to day basis. I recognize that I am not the best at long distance communication (well, communication in general, for that matter) so some friends convinced me that a blog was the way to combat that problem. I also really want to be better at capturing our life moments on pics/videos.

So....... welcome to our Wolfsohn family blog....We had trouble choosing a name. We finally decided to use some lyrics from "our song" written by a band called Waterdeep. (See the lyrics below) This song was played in our wedding- a bit usual for a wedding song, I know, but it is so US!

We're both dirty, baby- that's just the way it goes
We'll try to cut the fuses off before everything blows
And if it blows and both of us are standing real close by
Then both of us'll feel the blast and both of us'll die
But dying's overrated, it's a ticket on a train
And as long as i can hold your hand, i'll know that i'm still sane
Maybe i'm an idiot for thinking that that's true
But i believe that Jesus knew what He was doing when He gave me you

Lately I've been wondering- what are we gonna do
when we wake up in the morning and its just me and you?
Cause we ain't never done this thing but I guess that's how it goes
You breathe deep as it comes to you and hold tight when it blows
And if it blows and both of us are standing real close by
Then both of us'll feel the blast and both of us'll die
And dying's underrated, it's a ticket to the feast-
The one we're all invited to, from the greatest to the least

I hope we sit together when Jesus serves the wine
So I can look into your eyes when I taste it the first time
And I know there's no secrets when you're sitting at that table
But I believe we'll smile real knowingly when we read the label
And it says "passion sacrificed to keep from going crazy."
We'll tip our glasses to the Host who used to look so hazy
And drink it down all sweet and slow and slip inside His mind
And realize as it goes down- this is communion wine

This is communion wine
This is communion wine
This is communion wine